Message From Our Pastor
Mission Statement
Mass Times
Penitential Opportunities
Religious Education
Memorial Garden
St. Raphael, The Archangel
In the back of the church there hangs a tapestry-painting of St. Raphael that was rendered by Tatiana McKinney, a Venice area artist.
Click the picture of tapestry to enlarge
Welcome to our parish family at St. Raphael. We hope our community of faith will be a source of peace and a sign of God's love for you.
This unity is rooted in our common faith in Jesus the Lord, who guides us through His Vicar on earth, our Holy Father the Pope. Led by our local Bishop, we see ourselves as co-ministers of the mysteries of God, called to witness to what we are in Jesus - a redeemed, holy people - and to proclaim the good news entrusted to us by Him.
Our efforts are thus directed towards areas of worship, education, charity and service.
We seek the blessing and help of God as we work together
toward our common goal. We rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction
and wisdom in all our efforts.
Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses -
June thru October: 8:00AM and 10:00AM
November thru May: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
Weekday Mass - 8:30 AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation (confessions) -
Saturdays 9:00-9:30 AM, 2:30-3:00 PM
Sacrament of the Sick - Anointing is available
for those anticipating surgery upon request.
To deepen and enrich the spiritual life of our parishioners, St. Raphael's offers a variety of devotions during the year.
Rosary ...recited daily after the weekday mass; you are invited to join.
Special Marian Devotions... May and October
First Friday - Holy Hour, Benediction and Adoration until noon
Lent ...Stations of the Cross on Fridays mornings following Mass.
Sacrament of Reconciliation... every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and Saturday afternoon at 2:30 P.M.
(Additional Opportunities made available during Advent and Lent)
To the sick: Our hospitalized Catholic patients in Englewood Hospital are visited by a Eucharistic Minister bringing Holy Communion. Our homebound parishioners are visited weekly by Eucharistic Ministers.
Altar servers: In our parish, the altar servers may be men and women as well as boys and girls.
Eucharistic Ministers: Each lay person accepted as a Eucharistic Minister is given individual preparation and instructions. They distribute the Eucharist to the congregation as well as to the sick, homebound, nursing homes and ACLF's in our parish boundaries.
Lectors: Men and women are invited to use their communication skills to proclaim the richness of Scripture to the congregation.
Ushers: Men and women are invited to become ushers, ministers of hospitality, who contribute greatly to the dignity of liturgical services by greeting parishioners, seating them and when necessary leading them in the proper procedure of the liturgy.
Music: Praising the Lord in song is fundamental to the
celebration of the liturgy. Parishioners with an interest in singing or playing
a musical instrument are invited to join in this parish worship.
Knights of Columbus . . . Organized in our parish
in 1995, the Knights of Columbus is an organization for the men, it is
basically a fraternal, charitable group in which members volunteer their
time and efforts for the betterment of parish and community. There is also
a social side.
More information about the
Stanley S. Kromer, O. Carm. Council #11553
Parish Volunteers . . . Most aspects of parish life could not exist without the dedication of countless men and women who volunteer for our groups, clubs and ministries.
Council of Catholic Women. . . The CCW is an organization for all the women in St. Raphael's Parish. Under the guidance of its elected officers, the Guild aims to further the spiritual life and social action among the women. It sponsors a number of activities such as monthly card parties, craft making, and a yearly rummage sale.
The money raised by these activities is used for both Church sponsored and community projects such as the Msgr. Evans Scholarship Fund, Our Mother's House, Covenant House, The Venice Pregnancy Care Center, Water for Life, Help A Child, the Gladys Fox Memorial Vocation Fund, FISH of Englewood, and Meals on Wheels.
The CCW also uses its funds to help provide rosaries, bandages and hospital gowns for the missions.
The CCW is affiliated with the Northern Deanery, the Venice
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the National Council of Catholic
Memorial Garden . . . established in 1993, the St. Raphael Memorial Garden is a private area suitable for prayer and reflection. Parishioners who desire to have their cremains or those of their loved ones interred on the church grounds may make use of the garden.
It is designed as a living rosary of plants with a topiary cross surrounded by a crushed shell path located to the north of the parish center.
The cremains are interred directly into the ground - no urns are permitted nor specific locations designated. Consult the parish office for more details.
Click for larger view